Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Conversion of A.N. Wilson

I suppose many have already heard about the conversion (or reconversion) of A.N. Wilson, the noted British author and literary critic. Conversion stories, and biographies in general, are always of interest to me but this one is well written, to boot. Simply stated it looks like he slowly came to the realization the atheist, materialist worldview is simply not comprehensive enough to be a worldview. As it turns out, the likes of Richard Dawkins are just too dogmatic to appreciate beauty. You can read the article here.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Pray for us, Saint Louis IX, King

Saint Louis gave this speech to his Crusaders who lost courage at the sight of Damietta before they stormed her beach with their vessels and barks:

"My friends and faithful soldiers," said he to them, "we shall be invincible if we are inseparable in our love of one another. It is not without the divine permission that we have been brought here so quickly. I am neither the king of France nor the holy church, you are both. I am only a man whose life will end like other men's when it shall please God. Everything is in our favor, whatever may happen to us. If we are conquered, we shall be martyrs; if we triumph, the glory of God will be exalted thereby * that of all France, yea, even of Christianity, will be exalted thereby. Certainly it would be foolish to believe that God, who foresees all, has incited me in vain. This is His cause, we shall conquer for Christ, He will triumph in us, He will give the glory, the honor and the blessing not unto us, but unto His name."

Oh Saint Louis!
King of the Franks,
Confessor and right arm of Holy Mother the Church,
Blessed peacemaker of France and Christendom,
Bold and glorious crusader,
Generous patron of the poor, lepers, and downtrodden prostitutes,
Devotee to Christian art, learning and architecture,
Just administrator of Christian law,
Lietenant of God on earth,
Stark and penitential ascetic,
Restorer of the Crown of Thorns!
Who died in exile at the ninth hour,
Amongst the sprinkling of ashes and penitential psalms,
Whose last words were, "Into your hands I commend my spirit"
You are renown.

May the spirit of your life rise anew in the great catholic monarch.
Pray and intercede for us with,
Jesus Christ the Invisible King of the world,
Whose visible kingdom soon is coming,
Who is King of Mercy and of Justice,
Who is Meek, Mild, Bold, and Powerful . . .
Who is Renown and shall be Renown,
Son of God, even forever. Amen

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Virgin Birth of Buddha...?????

I recently heard a professor of art history suggest that the virgin birth of Christ was borrowed from Buddhism. This, immediately, struck as absurd; given the ahistorical development of Buddhism. The article is here. You be the judge.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holy Fire !!!

Accendat in nobis Dominus ignem sui amoris, et flammam aeternae caritatis. Amen.

May the Lord enkindle within us the fire of His love, and the flame of everlasting charity. Amen.

This prayer from the Tridentine Catholic Mass always catches my attention and reminds me of this song by the David Crowder Band and the
Ecstasy of Saint Theresa sculpture.

Most of us in the modern world, since fire is not a prevalent in our lives now, are somewhat numb to the power of fire. It consumes and purifies, or, as in Moses' burning bush, it burns without consumption. The religious ecstasy of Saint Theresa is, seemingly, uncommon in our time. That, though, is due to our societies huddling in the shadows out of fear of the Light. We do this because we love darkness because our deeds are evil. May prayers, like the one above, art, and music kindle in us the fire of the Lord's love. May we see that the Light of God is the very medicine for our sickness.