Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome to the Bizarro World...where we decide what words mean

This article is incredible. Two woman decided entered a "civil union" and one of the woman became pregnant (probably through Invitro). Apparently, some years later, the woman who have the baby decided that she did not, in fact, believe that homosexual activity was morality good and became a Christian. Later, there was a split between the two woman and the Christian (I will call her The Mother from here on out, because SHE IS) woman decided to not allow the other woman to visit the child. When the court odered the mother to allow visitation, she skipped out and now they have issued an arrest warrant. The other woman is reported to have said, in the article, "I hope the judge's order today gives law enforcement the tools they need to find my daughter". WHAT ???? It is NOT her daughter. She may have had a relationship with the daughter, but she IS NOT the girl's mother. Words do have meanings. This is just another example of the "gay rights" agenda shoving the moral repugnance that is homosexual activity down our throats.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Evolution is a Threat to Human Reason

I, recently, came across a book in Barnes & Nobles. The book is titled "Philosophy in the Flesh : The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought". I have always suspected that the human mind in intrinsically tied up with the physical body and that "how we live" is (and ought to be) tied up with how we are hard-wired. In skimming this book and reading some reviews online, a contrasting thought occurred to me, though. If we conceive of the mind being too intrinsically based in the flesh, the consequences for society would be catastrophic. Stated more simply, if this biological morality paradigm is given free reign, then why should a woman not eat her mate after mating, like some spiders do? Human morality, again, is the trump card to the diabolical! This article says it better.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Beauty of Modesty

It is time for Christians to return to modesty. This article is a must read!
“Modesty is reverence for mystery.” - Msgr. Charles Pope

Do You Promise to Tell the Truth...?

I just got finished viewing the 1961 epic movie "El Cid". What a movie! Given the predominance of the CGI and computer-based technologies, I doubt we will see anything like this in the near future. The sets, costumes, and overall pagentry were extremely vivid and grand. Overall, I do not feel it is a great movie. However, it is certainly remarkable in the epic genre. Perhaps, it is even one of the best of the genre.

One scene stood out to me, though. El Cid compels king Alfonso VI to take an oath that he had no direct or indirect hand in the death of Alfonso's brother (Sancho II), on the Holy Bible. Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar "El Cid" will not kneel to Alfonso VI until he this oath is taken. I was struck by the contrast of this scene with the modern value of integrity and honesty.

Before I begin, let me be clear that I do understand the poem of El Cid is substantially mythic. I am not laboring under the delusion that the poem is 100% factual. This is not my point. Myth does, though, sufficiently articulate what a culture believes OUGHT to be valued. In the case of the scene that I mentioning, truth and integrity are shown as integral to what it means to be a hero.

More specifically, though, I want to underline the placement of the hand on the Holy Bible for an oath. The modern liberal mind usually reels at the thought of an oath on a holy book. They even find it repulsive that one should be required to swear "By God". My question is related to this point. If one does not swear by a higher authority, what would one swear by? Given this, can our society reasonably assume that a "card carrying" atheist is under any compulsion or binding to tell the truth. If one does not believe that they will not be held to account (eternally) by the ontological, rational basis for all life (God), why should we not think that this atheist will simply lie when the circumstances are in his best interest? After all, he is only answerable to himself, if there is not TRUTH.

Just a thought....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Common sense argument against same sex "marriage"

Here is a solid, commonsensical, rational, and reasonable arguement against the legalization of same sex unions.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Don't They Test for Drugs at the Washington Post?

Wow! I was recently hipped to this recent article in the Washington Post on the "World Over" by Raymond Arroyo of EWTN. Upon reading the article, my jaw hit the floor. The implication is that since one woman's contract was not extended, then clearly the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom was a corrupt organization with an "anti-Muslim" bias that needs to be disbanded. What an absurd claim! Incidentally, this organization will be dissolved in 2011, if not extended. Please contact you congressmen and the President to have it renewed.

What this article seemed to conveniently not mention is that it is governments of predominantly Muslim countries and Jihad-minded fundamentalists who do much of the religious persecution in the world. It seems the Commission is, indeed, barking up the right tree. If Michelle Boorstein has not heard, Christians are the ones being persecuted. I am not suggesting that there is not occasional persecution of Muslims. However, militant Islam is the single biggest threat to religious freedom in the world.

Friday, February 19, 2010

"rulers are not a cause of fear to good conduct, but to evil..."

I came across this article on the internet. I am sure that most westerners are aghast at the use of caning as a punishment. As a former Muslim, I am not. In fact, in light of medieval canonical punishments used by the Catholic Church, I don not even think it is extreme. Certainly, I am in the minority here, but if punishment (that is reasonable and respectful of the perpetrators' personhood) brings about repentence, it is good, in my opinion.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Review better than the movie...??? is a website that I frequent due to the reviewer's keen eye for a good story from a Catholic perspective. I came across a review on the site for a movie called "Things We Lost in the Fire", starring Benicio Del Toro and Halle Berry. While I did like the movie, it certainly did have its flaws. Generally, it was too much of a "chick flick" for me. Nevertheless, for whatever reason, I felt it was haunting in its portrayal of the grief of loss. The review, though, may be even better than the movie.

"Go, sell whatsoever thou hast..... And come, follow me."

Here is another example of the revitalization of the Catholic Church by the young. Look....He is making all things new! Those new tradicionalistos are at it again.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feminism Unveiled!

Here is a wonderful collection of information that serves, sufficiently in my opinion, to show feminism for what it truly is; an ultra-radical, anti-family, and ungodly plot to destroy society as we know it.

Makes sense,....right????

Sunday, February 7, 2010

If Consent is truly the last vestige of morality, as regards marriage...

Ariel Katz makes a complling case for the legalization of polygamy here. It is possible that "gay marriage" could be legalized and, if so, polygamy could follow (in all its possible forms). I know, I know...some may say that the law can restrict marriage to two persons. The problem is that, based on the equality paradigm put in place during the legal arguments for "gay marriage", such a restriction would be ruled discriminatory. All that would be needed would be the political pressure. Besides, who are we (monogamists) to push our beliefs on polygamists ???!!! Read it here.

The Belittling of Manhood: Women Do Get It!

I came across another interesting blog post written by a woman. It can be read here. The "Sexual Revolution" and "Women's Rights" movements have steadily sought, consciously or unconsciously, to erode sexual roles; in the interest of "equality". It is a sham! I am not suggesting that misogyny or abuse does not exist. However, the baby must NOT be thrown out with the bath water. The modern confusion of roles for men as opposed to women, in my opinion, stems from an ignorance of category distinctions. The words SAME and EQUAL are NOT synonomous.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Libera nos, Filius Dei Salvator noster

Tim Tebow's Pro-Choice Commercial

I wanted to make sure I chimed in on the Tim Tebow commercial debate before the Super Bowl. This may sound shocking, but I think the NARALs and the NOWs of the world should be supporting this advertisement; if they are truly pushing for "choice". Tim Tebow's mother could have legally opted for an abortion. But, she CHOSE the heroic path of motherhood. The pro-infanticide crowd should be touting the benefit of having choice. A much more articulate perspective on this issue is stated here.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Politics - An Honest Dialog (And I thought dialog was dead)

Jon Stewart joined Bill O'Reilly on the "The Factor" recently and I was surprised to see a fair (and entertaining, too) dialoug between two personalities that, at least in the popular political American mind, represents the political left and right. I do think, in both Stewart and O'Reilly's case, the truth is more nuanced. Regardless, I thought it was refreshing to watch this discussion. I believe that this is the remedy for the current polemic gridlock that encumbers America politics. Instead of simply discrediting the other side, through linguistic gymnastics and marketing, the goal should be charitable engagement. Let us ask the difficult questions about the most contentious questions on the political landscape, like "homosexual marriage", abortion, and others. One has to love the sinner and hate the sin; no matter what side your on. Otherwise, we will continue to be mired in the swamp of "Don't ask, don't tell" and "A Woman's right to choose". It always strikes me as disturbing that the proponents of the later phrase never complete the sentence and say that they believe a woman should have the right to choose to KILL her baby.

Left-Wing L-O-O-N

When I seen this clip, one four letter word came to mind, L-O-O-N.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Homosexual Agenda is a Threat to Free Speech!

The homosexual agenda is simply intended to stifle free speech of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and any still with enough common sense to see that homosexual ACTIVITY (not tendencies, inclinations, or feelings) is unnatural and immoral. This video is a fair discussion of the issue. Let me also add that I am NOT advocating any kind of harassment or punishment of persons who identify themselves as "homosexual".

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pornography Addiction is a Great Evil!

I came across this blog entry, concerning pornography addiction, and totally agree. Thankfully, I have not been saddled with this addiction, but I believe pornography has indeed infected our world. Also, in this same vein, I would recommend this book.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Abortion is Murder!

If you want to see the result of abortion, check out this link. Beware, though, they are not for the faint of heart. It is unbelievable to me that some people support killing babies in the name of "sexual freedom".