Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome to the Bizarro World...where we decide what words mean

This article is incredible. Two woman decided entered a "civil union" and one of the woman became pregnant (probably through Invitro). Apparently, some years later, the woman who have the baby decided that she did not, in fact, believe that homosexual activity was morality good and became a Christian. Later, there was a split between the two woman and the Christian (I will call her The Mother from here on out, because SHE IS) woman decided to not allow the other woman to visit the child. When the court odered the mother to allow visitation, she skipped out and now they have issued an arrest warrant. The other woman is reported to have said, in the article, "I hope the judge's order today gives law enforcement the tools they need to find my daughter". WHAT ???? It is NOT her daughter. She may have had a relationship with the daughter, but she IS NOT the girl's mother. Words do have meanings. This is just another example of the "gay rights" agenda shoving the moral repugnance that is homosexual activity down our throats.

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