Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"It is finished in Beauty"

Please allow me to recommend this entry on Leon J. Podles blog. He relates a Navajo prayer that, almost, could be a Catholic prayer. The prayer is written in praise of Beauty. This ties in with the Catholic emphasis on Truth, Beauty, & Goodness. By the way, I should like to recommend the book, The Evidential Power of Beauty: Science and Theology Meet of Beauty by Thomas Dubay, which deals with the concept of Beauty, from a Catholic perspective.

The appreciation of Beauty, it seems, predates Christianity. In fact, I would argue, it is primordial. Perhaps, it is this appreciation that are bread crumbs on the path back to Truth and Goodness. G.K. Chesterton wrote (I cannot recall exactly where) that the most important thing about paganism is what followed it....Christianity. I think human beings strive for Truth, Goodness, and beauty, intrinsically. This probably is the best explanation of the pre-Christian myths. It is like man knew the story without the knowing the actors. Mythology, I think, was God reconciling the world to Himself, through Christ.

The old saying says that all roads lead to Rome. It seems, from my perspective, that philosophical roads lead to a man, who was God, dying on a cross. It, indeed, ALL "is finished" in Beauty!!!

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