Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ethical Myopic Subjectivism

After some deliberation, this is the term that I think best describes the ethical stances of many, perhaps most, Americans. It seems to be the dominant ethical approach in, perhaps, the whole western world. I have coined this phrase because, of the following.
1) Ethical - My concern about this philosophical stance is, primarily, focused on its ethical implications
2) Myopic - The intent of my use of this term is best encapsulated by the following definition; lacking foresight or scope; "a short view of the problem"; "shortsighted policies"; "shortsighted critics derided the plan"; "myopic thinking". Briefly, it is is the tendency to overlook or simply ignore the ramifications and implications of a particular ethical stance. I suspect that the ultimate reason for this is the same that Eve had in eating the fruit.
3) Subjectivism - This is the tendency to see ONLY the consequences, as it relates to themselves. The problem with this theory is that the human being is a social animal.

This term Ethical Myopic Subjectivism came to mind after seeing an advertisement, in which some celebrities (like Montell Williams & Sting) were advocating what amounts to a surrender (well said Bill O'Reilly) in the "drug war" by decriminalization.

I heard a statistic that over 70% of child abuse and neglect cases in the USA were due to alcohol or drug addiction. I have not trouble believing this stat, after hearing some of my mother-in-laws' stories from her days working for the NYC child protection agency. It is children who get hurt most with substance abuse.

As regards the objection that the US prohibition of alcohol and its subsequent repeal is proof that decriminalization works, I would simply say that crack is not the same as alcohol, por ejemplo. If some does not recognize the difference, I would say their Ethical Myopic Subjectivism is obscuring their view.

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