Friday, May 29, 2009


Let me start by being clear on two points.
1) I do not believe in homosexual people; so there is no point, in my mind, in determining whether people are "born this way" or not. I believe people, through corrupt culture or other psychological reasons, have physical attraction to persons of the same sex.
2) Homosexual intercourse, like other sins of the flesh, are "that which is against the order of reason" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Question 153). Therefore, it is sinful; just like masturbation, fornication, adultery, and abortion. The reason for intercourse is the solidification of the marital bond and procreation. In the nature of sins is that there are characterized by excess. Homosexual intercourse serves no societal useful end but immediate gratification (similar to adultery). It is similar to mutual masturbation.

After those two whoppers, I should be clear to the reader that I believe there is no such thing as "homosexual marriage" and, given the fact that we are social beings, the state has a compelling interest in limiting marriage to one man and one woman.

I do have empathy for those you suffer SSA. Likewise, I empathize with those you suffer an inordinate attraction to extra-marital relations, fornication, pornography, or child molestation. By the way, let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR, I am NOT advocating legalizing punishment of people who identify themselves as "homosexuals". I am saying that I believe, based on reason and revelation that homosexual intercourse is gravely sinful and, therefore, that homosexual marriage should NOT be recognized by the state. Please do not have faith-a-phobia and misconstrue my words.

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